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The APP No Longer Recommends Homemade Sea Salt Solutions | What Now?

For a good amount of time, making your own sea salt solution for your healing piercings was perfectly acceptable. It seemed affordable, safe, and easy to do. Recently, however, the APP (Association of Professional Piercers) changed the section in their aftercare portion of their website which previously permitted mixing your own solution. They now share that they no longer promote it as a safe method for healing piercings, sharing that "mixing your own sea salt solution will commonly result in the product being far too salty and strong, this can over dry the piercing and interfere with healing." Now that this method of cleaning a healing piercing isn't suggested, it's important to discuss the other ways you can keep your piercings clean. There's no one-size-fits-all, but there is something out there that is right for you.

"Mixing your own sea salt solution is no longer a suggested practice from the APP." -

There are countless brands on the market to choose from regarding the best wound wash - you may even be persuaded into buying the brand sold at the studio that you got pierced at. Regardless, here's what's important to seek out in a piercing aftercare product.

What to look for in a wound wash

  • The word "sterile" - this is on most saline sprays, so you shouldn't have an issue locating a brand with this slapped across the front of the bottle

  • Perfume-free/unscented

  • Colorless

  • Reputable Brand (popular drug store brands are acceptable)

What's important to know moving forward is that sea salt soaks and mixing your own solutions is not the best course of action anymore. Just invest in a good, sterile saline solution and call it a day!


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