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Top 10 Items to Have on Hand for your Piercings

Healing piercings are an absolute drag - you have to clean them multiple times a day, can't touch them, they hurt, they throb, they're there, and you totally notice them. Piercings are fun to have, but it can be hard to get that piercing you've always wanted when thinking about how long it'll take to heal and what you'll be going through during the healing process. To quote one of my favorite Hilary Duff movies, though - "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." There are things you can do to help you have an easier time dealing with healing piercings! Here are 10 items that will inevitably make things a lot easier on you while you heal!

1. Disposable Gloves

Sometimes, cleaning your piercings can loosen them up a bit. This totally sucks, but it happens. The most frustrating part about it, though, can be trying to get the end back on to the post. Everyone's got butter fingers when we try to screw those balls back on to the barbells. Having disposable gloves on when doing this gives you more control and a better grip, plus it's sanitary which is always a plus when handling your piercings!

2. Pineapple

If you're allergic to pineapple or just don't like it, I'm really sorry, because it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help you with sore, swollen piercings!

3. Donut Pillow

Simply put - a pillow with a hole in the middle is a life saver for fresh ear piercings, or even facial piercings if you're one of those sleepers that likes to smush your face into your pillow when you sleep! You can get these easy-peasy on Amazon.

4. Band-Aids

Having Band-Aids on hand is actually super helpful, believe it or not. When you're washing your face, going to get a haircut, or just going to bed, putting a Band-Aid over your piercing to keep it from falling out, loosening, or moving around too much is a great tool to utilize while your piercings heal up! Plus, you can get some really cute designs nowadays!

5. Ice Packs

This might be a given, but ice packs can provide relief to sore piercings so making sure your stocked up on multiple reusable ice packs will be a life saver at the end of the day, guaranteed!

6. Backup Jewelry

If your jewelry falls out and you're not able to get to a shop in time to get a replacement piece, most likely what will happen is it will close up and you'll have to get it pierced all over again. Having piercer-approved backup jewelry on hand just in case this happens is your safety net! Talk to your piercer about what kind of jewelry you should keep on hand just in case this happens - including dimensions, gauge size, and all the works so you're completely prepared!

7. Tylenol Extra Strength & Ibuprofen

I know not everyone is able to take Ibuprofen because of how it messes with your stomach but taking Tylenol (a painkiller) and Ibuprofen (an OTC anti-inflammatory) together is a great tag-team strategy to battle that lingering discomfort that comes from piercings while they heal! Having one on hand is probably obvious but knowing that you can take both at the same time is truly a life-changer.

8. Clean Pillowcases

I'm guilty of not changing my pillowcase as often as I probably should - life happens, we're only human! When you have a healing piercing on your face or ears, though, it's so important to make sure your pillowcase is clean! Stock up on a bunch of pillowcases to have on hand so you can change it often and not have to worry about lingering bacteria or sweat sneaking into your healing piercings!

9. Fidget Ring

This one could be a hit or miss, but the desire to touch and twirl and tug on your new piercings is so real. Having a fidget ring or two on can help with that impulse! Just twirl and mess with the ring(s) whenever you get that itch to mess with your healing piercings!

10. Water

I know, I know - water. What's the point? It's just water. Well, yes and no - staying properly hydrated will help your body function more fluidly and effectively, ultimately helping out your healing piercings. Drinking lots of water will give your body what it needs to ensure your piercings are still healing at a good rate! So, drink lots of water while you're healing!


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